Lev R. Ginzburg
Risk Analysis
Ecological Modeling in Risk Assessment
Pastorok, Bartell, Ferson, and Ginzburg. CRC Press, 2016.
First edition: 2001.
Assessing Ecological Risks of Biotechnology
Ginzburg, editor. Butterworth. 2013. First edition: 1991.
Conservation Biology with RAMAS EcoLab
Schultz, Dunham, Root, Soucy, Carroll, and Ginzburg. Sinauer Associates. 1999.
Applied Population Ecology: Principles and Computer Exercises using RAMAS EcoLab
Akçakaya, Burgman, and Ginzburg, Sinauer Associates, 1999.
Applied Population Ecology, Japanese edition
translation by Kusuda, Onoyama, and Konno. Bun-ichi Sogo Shuppan Co., 2002.
Mathematical Ecology
Nonadaptive Selection: an evolutionary source of ecological laws
Damuth and Ginzburg. University of Chicago Press, 2021 (projected).
in preparation
How Species Interact: Altering the Standard View on Trophic Ecology
Arditi and Ginzburg. Oxford University Press, 2012.
from Science, written by R.O. Peterson
from Trends in Ecology and Evolution, written by D.L. DeAngelis
from Ecology, written by J. Fryxell
from The Quarterly Review of Biology, written by C. Krebs
from Ecological Modelling, written by C.X.J. Jensen
Ecological Orbits: How Planets Move and Populations Grow
Ginzburg and Colyvan. Oxford University Press, 2004.
from Science, written by Günter Wagner
from Physics Today, written by Serge Luryi
from The Quarterly Review of Biology, written by Charles J. Krebs
Lectures in Theoretical Population Biology
Ginzburg and Golenberg. Prentice Hall, 1984.
The Dynamical Theory of Biological Populations
Gimelfarb, Ginzburg, et al. Nauka, 1974. (Russian)